Dr Patrick MOK (Vice-Chairman)

Dr Patrick MOK (Vice-Chairman)
Assistant Professor
Patrick Mok received the doctorate degree in History, The University of Hong Kong. He has a wide range of research interests from history, heritage and cultural study, cultural policies, cultural/creativity indicators to cultural-creative economy in Hong Kong and China.
From 2008 to 2014, Dr. Mok served as consultant and manager in the Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences (HKU) for the development of the “Hong Kong Memory Project”, a digital and research project for the preservation of Hong Kong’s historical and cultural heritage.
He was investigator of a number of projects on digital library, copyright research and policy studies on creative economy, including: “A Review Study on Cultural Audit” (2009-2010) commissioned by the Central Policy Unit of HKSAR Government; “A study on Hong Kong Design Index” (2010) by the Hong Kong Design Center. Recent work includes the “Study on Macau’s Cultural and Creative Industries Index” (2011-12) and its follow-up studies (2013-15), both commissioned by the Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macau SAR Government.
He was also involved the research of the “Development Plan for Cultural Industries in the 12th Five Year Plan” (2009-2010), a project led by China National School of Administration in Beijing and commissioned by the Ministry of Culture of the PRC; “Strategic Development of Cultural Industries in China”, a collaborated work with China National School of Administration (2008-2009); and “Study on Hong Kong’s Cultural Creative Industries in the Pearl River Delta” (2006) for the Central Policy Unit, HKSAR Government; “A Study on Creativity Index” (2005), for Home Affairs Bureau, HKSAR Government; and “Baseline Study on Hong Kong’s Creative Industries”(2003), commissioned by the Central Policy Unit.