Tuesday with Tisa Ho: The Making of Hong Kong Arts Festival


“Tuesday with Tisa Ho: The Making of Hong Kong Arts Festival” co-presented with Duddell's has been successfully held on 2 February. We were glad to have Ms Tisa Ho, Executive Director of Hong Kong Arts Festival, to share the fruitful programme in the Arts Festival 2016 and the observation of the income sources of current arts organizations and the insights of working in the arts administration industry.


As an all-rounded art professional who is experienced from policy and infrastructure development, as well as marketing and curatorial responsibilities, she told the audience that passion of arts is the crucial element working in the industry. She hopes that with the development of the arts industry, artists will have more places and chances to do things in different ways and have different fun. Lastly, she hopes more middle-small sized arts organizations will be involved in the Arts Festival in the coming future.