Essential Guide to Effective Arts Management: Law, Marketing, Finances and Project Management

Co-curated by Mr Paul Tam and Dr Patrick Mok, Hong Kong Arts Administrators Association (HKAAA)'s “Essential Guide to Effective Arts Management: Law, Marketing, Finances and Project Management”, was held from June to August. The course provided the professional training to support the development of local arts administrators and establish the arts administrators network in Hong Kong. It included an introductory seminar of concepts and theories, which will be put in authentic practice using a mix of interactive workshops, exercises, active sharing among participants, real-life case studies and a field trip. With the support of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, we aim to nurture the arts administrators, independent producers, freelance arts practitioners and more throughout the course.
The scope covered in Essential Arts Management includes the essential topics and issues that arts administrators and artists have to tackle in the creative process, project planning and implementation of a cultural project. The four modules of “Essential Guide to Effective Arts Management” are as below:
Module 1: Management of Cultural Projects
Module 2: Content and Digital Marketing for the Arts
Module 3: Legal Issues and Law for the Arts
Module 4: Budgeting and Project Financing
Curators*Alphabetized by last name in English
Dr Patrick Mok (Treasurer, Hong Kong Arts Administrators Association/ Assistant Professor, Hang Seng Management College)
Mr Paul Tam (Chairman, Hong Kong Arts Administrators Association/ Executive Director, Hong Kong Ballet)
Speakers *Alphabetized by last name in English
Mr Alex Fan (Honorary Legal Counsel, Hong Kong Arts Administrators Association)
Ms Connie Lam (Board Member, Hong Kong Arts Administrators Association/ Executive Director, Hong Kong Arts Centre)
Prof Lena Lee (Arts Specialist, Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong)
Dr Kevin Pun (Honorary Associate Professor (Computer Science & Law), The University of Hong Kong)
Ms Ada Wong (Chairperson, Make A Difference Institute (MaD)) & MaD Team
Mr Antony Yiu (Head of Digital /Search /Performance, Asia Pacific, Wavemaker Client Solutions Hong Kong)
Highlight Recap: