
Executive Seminar on Arts Leadership
A Summit-Plus Programme
Co-presented by National Arts Strategies and Hong Kong Arts Administrators Association
Programme Overview
Cultural leaders face the daily challenge of finding the right balance: maintaining the stability of their organization, while creating opportunities for artistic excellence and finding sustainable strategies for growth.
Tailor-designed for busy senior cultural executives, the Executive Seminar on Arts Leadership (ESAL), over its intensive two-day programme, will provide inspiring and immersive training for top and senior cultural executives from Hong Kong and the Asia Pacific region.
About NAS
Established in the United States of America since 1983, National Arts Strategies (NAS) develops market-leading education services for individuals who play a variety of roles in the arts and culture ecosystem: artists, cultural entrepreneurs, board members, staff members and executives. NAS supports individuals, organizations, and the field to help realize the full potential of creatives in a time when that potential is most needed as a means of self-expression, to promote equity, inclusion and help support a more civil society. In 2013 and 2014, HKAAA invited NAS to create an innovative leadership program expressly for Chief Executives and senior arts and culture executives in the region. www.artstrategies.org

Teaching Faculty & International Guest Speakers:
Teaching Faculty:
- Ms Gail Crider (USA) President & CEO of National Arts Strategies
- Dr Peter Frumkin (USA) The University of Pennsylvania, Founder and Director of the Centre for Social Impact Strategy
International Guest Speakers:
- Ms Linda Brumbach (USA) Founder/ Director, Pomegranate Arts
- Mr Barry Hughson (Canada) Executive Director, The National Ballet of Canada
- Ms Wen Wen (Mainland China) General Manager, Hermark Culture
- Mr Rafi Gokay Wol (UK) Director & Head of Tours, HarrisonParrott
*Alphabetized by last name in English
Learning Objectives
Spend two days with peers and faculty in thought-provoking conversations and sessions designed to improve your overall leadership abilities and expand your strategic perspective. We’ll focus on select core management concepts which relate to building a clearer perspective for your own organization; forming strategic alliances; and ways to think about leading change and driving growth while keeping an eye on sustainability.
- 2 – 3 strategic frameworks and a combination of mini-lectures to frame concepts
- Facilitated discussions to share experience in the room
- Exercises to apply frameworks
- Sharings on empirical research and case studies/stories
- Networking
- Group presentations
Expected Outcomes
- Leaders feel challenged to look at the problems they work to combat every day with fresh eyes and use new frameworks to move to solve the problems.
- They feel curious to learn more about the strategic framework for continued growth / development (corporation as a whole and their touring efforts).
- They come away with a clearer understanding of their corporations’ mission, brand and focus.
- Leaders from various sizes and needs exchange work expertise and diverse perspectives.
- They find the course entertaining and faculty knowledgeable of the frameworks and industry.
Targeted Participants:
- 30 top to senior leaders in arts organizations of various sizes – approximately 25 participants from Hong Kong and 5 from the region
- Participants are in a leadership position that drives their organization’s direction, policies, and/or major programmes.
Programme Dates and Time:
Date: 6 – 7 November 2018 (Tuesday & Wednesday)
Time: 10am – 5pm
The Harbourview (4 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong)
Language of Instruction:
English.(No SI service)